Key performance indicators
Our six financial key performance indicators (KPIs) help us to measure the successful implementation of our strategy and monitor and drive our performance.
Like for like revenue growth
Adjusted operating profit conversion
Adjusted operating profit margin
Adjusted earnings per share (EPS)
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
Adjusted operating cash flow conversion
We report eight non-financial KPIs that help measure progress against our strategic actions and our commitment to our people and culture.
Group rolling 12-month Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Employee engagement
Percentage of management that are women
All accidents
(per 200,000 hours)
Carbon intensity
(tonnes of CO2e due to Scope 1 and 2 emissions / £m revenue)
Carbon emissions
(tonnes of CO2e due to Scope 1 and 2 emissions / £m revenue)
Packaging intensity
(tonnes / £m revenue)
(% of waste recycled)
Annual report 2024
Focus. Align. Prioritise. Execute. Explore our latest report to learn more about our performance and operational progress for 2023/24.