• Sustainability
  • Our ESG approach
  • Materiality

    Where are our greatest ESG risks and opportunities? What ESG issues matter most to our stakeholders? Materiality assessments are a strategic tool that helps us find the answers.


    We’ve completed a double materiality assessment

    The assessments align to the European Union’s CSRD and measures:

    • The impacts we have on the external world
    • The impacts the external world has on us, including the financial materiality of those risks and opportunities 

    Adopting this model demonstrates leadership in ESG, stakeholder engagement and financial materiality and is a requirement of emerging sustainability reporting directives.

    1. Identification

    Identify key areas of ESG risk and opportunities by using a combination of:

    • Desk research (peer reviews, external frameworks, ESG ratings and reporting regulations, media review)
    • Internal document reviews (corporate reports)

    2. Stakeholder engagement

    Interview representatives from key stakeholder groups including:

    • Our people
    • Customers
    • Suppliers
    • Communities
    • Shareholders

    3. Impact and financial materiality

    Complete an impact materiality assessment of key impacts outwards on society and the environment. Assess the impact of material topics on financial performance, both from a risk and opportunity perspective.

    4. Matrix creation

    Create a stakeholder and ESG double materiality assessment for inclusion in reporting.

    RS Group Materiality Chart 1

    We have identified 18 material topics that are considered important both from a business and stakeholder perspective. The topics in the top right hand corner of the assessment are considered our top priority and we will continue to monitor these areas closely.

    The ESG materiality assessment combined with our alignment to six of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) guides our 2030 ESG approach, targets, KPIs and reporting. We are aware that ESG materiality assessments need to be dynamic in order to reflect changes in the business and the external world. We will therefore continue to monitor any emerging topics that may require inclusion in our matrix in the future.

    RS Group Materiality Chart 2 V1