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  • Insights
  • Diversifying our supply chain

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    We believe that greater diversity and inclusion (D&I) within our own business and across our value chain isn’t just nice to have. It leads to greater innovation. Better decision making. And recruiting and retaining top talent to our industry.

    As part of our commitment to D&I, we’ve established our first supplier diversity and inclusion programme within the RS Integrated Supply business in the US. We’ve chosen to start in the US because supplier diversity within procurement is already a mature and best practice approach there due to supporting regulation. It’s also a high priority for our customers.

    We aim to provide opportunities to businesses that have historically been underrepresented in global supply chains by making it easier for them to partner with us. By working with small, disadvantaged, women-owned, ethnically diverse and other underrepresented businesses, we’re building stronger and more diverse supply chains. And this ultimately helps to create more equal communities and resilient local economies.